Oct 27, 2007

Just a friday...:-)

Cool day, in work and in fun:)
What do you want to read first..?
Silence... Well, let's start from work. Hope, it'll be the shortest part:)
Some usual tasks, then support asked for the help it webex with German customer. Ok, no problem, let's see what's happens. Connected to the system... Reproduced the bug, started to type... regular command you see:
netstat -nap| (he-he, what "|" lol, it showed me symbol like ... dont know ... there is no such symbol in English layout:-) asked to change layout... started to type and saw like letter "A" with a round on the top. WTF, this's 100% not a English symbol:-) searched for a while and finally gave it up! If you want me to fix smth, let me to work, but not to fight with the keyboard:-D Asked for the direct access - done! Ufff.... Time passed fast... strace, tries to get a core - no luck:) Last attempt - gdb - the final helper in every task:) Started to type:
gdb --pid
and can you imaging my wonder when I got "gdb - c
ommand not found" :-))))
Heh:-) Of cause you do not have to have a debugger on the server, but anyway, when you do smth very fast such things make you greatly wonder:)
Then with Oleg's help packed all my 4 computers (Yep, I like a hardware - two athlon x86_64 dual core, one P4 called "mordor" /*really love this system*/ and P4 dual core - Win for builds and tests) and prepared for the transfered to another office.Photo of the day:

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