Feb 23, 2009

Games in Linux

Spent most part of today's evening playing game via local network. Despite the game was too fast and active for me (I'd actually prefer turn-based games, when if I beat someone, noone beats me in the same time :-D ) and my partner was much more experienced than me in this game and did'nt allow me to win (he-he, I'll surely will find the way to revenge him :), I get pleasure spending the time in a such way. I know, I'm among of these people who can spend hours and days playing computers games :( I know this, and I usually do not allow myself to be the addict of an computer game. Thanks for my using Linux as a desktop OS, there is not much tempt for this and not many really good Linux games exists.
Anyway, my top favourite are:
1. TuxRacer - tuxracer.sourceforge.net/
2. SuperTux - http://supertux.lethargik.org
3. SuperTuxKart - http://supertuxkart.sourceforge.net
/* oh, no more 'tuxes', Astarta, no more! */
4. RatSpears
5. Wesnoth - www.wesnoth.org
6. Heroes 3 (Linux port :-) or via wine). Actually, it's almost the only reason for having windoze on my system, to play in heroes, version 5 can't be run on Linux :(
7. The game I've been playing today: BattleTanks - http://btanks.sourceforge.net .

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