Dec 8, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

4-th season is available in our local network. wow!
Truly speaking, almost a year ago, when I started to see the fist series of this film (thanks for you my dear far friend ;-) ), I didn't especially like it, but continued to watch it, as it was recommended by you :) series-by-series and I really loved this film, it was so interesting to wait till the end and find out how everything'd finish! Who're the all Cylons? In the end of the 3-rd season 11 of them were known. Do you remember that we tried to guess the last of the Cylons? :)
You supposed that it's General Adama, I thought that's president Lora.
4-th season is out and now it's time to see who or us was right or both were wrong? :-)

Dec 7, 2008

День памяти.

"По инициативе крысоводов немецкого форума проводится международный день памяти.

Каждый год в первое воскресенье декабря (то есть в этом году - 7 декабря) ровно в 20:00 на окнах зажигаются свечи в память о наших ушедших крысиках и других животных.
Цепочкой огней по всему миру мы хотим показать, что любовь к нашим животным не угасает даже тогда, когда они уже не с нами.

В каждом часовом поясе свечи зажигаются согласно местному времени, в 20:00." (c)

Не то, чтобы я настолько сентиментальна, но моя свеча тоже была среди них. В память о всех ушедших, а их немало...

Морские свинки: Аришка, Ариот и Даэрон.
Коты: Пух и Малыш.
Собака: Жарма.
Крыски: Майкл, Эдгар, Аллан, Блэки, Ашер, Ландер, Твайлайт, Беркли, Линукс, Юникс, Асгард, Яриэл.

Всего 18.... Помню всех.

Dec 4, 2008

Крысиное счастье :)

/*источник */

Nov 28, 2008

Как немного, порой, человеку для счастья надо :)

# /bin/hexdump -C -s 117220760k /dev/sda > /tmp/sda.txt
# cat /tmp/sda.txt

1bf2966000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
1bf2975e00 4a 4d 01 00 5e 8c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |JM..^...........|
1bf2975e10 20 dc 4e 4a 00 00 00 00 f9 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 | .NJ............|
1bf2975e20 4a 52 41 49 44 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 |JRAID |
1bf2975e30 01 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
1bf2975e40 20 dc 4e 4a a0 47 6f 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | .NJ.Go'........|
1bf2975e50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

music: Cinderella "Nobody's fool"
mood: Happy

Nov 26, 2008

Ещё раз ночь... (с)

Зима товарищи!
Настоящая зима. Пока теплая, но ещё юная и очень красивая. И ещё одна почти бессонная ночь. Нет, ничего не случилось, день был замечательный - веселый, интересный, я даже никого не обидела, а по возможности старалась быть отзывчивой и располагающей к общению, хотя... бывало и хотелось приложить грубую женскую силу к чьей-нибудь физиономии :)
Красиво сейчас на улице. Только лень и здравый смысл удерживает меня сейчас от того, чтобы не собраться по быстрому, взять фотоаппарат и пойти куда-нибудь за линию в леса погулять, подумать, помечтать и пофотографировать. Пофотографировать,правда, удалось. Не могу я не сохранить маленький кучочек этой зимы и этого настроения.
Попробую поделиться (желтый цвет это цвет фонаря).

Music: Slade - "My Oh My"
Mood: Хочу убежать! Далеко-далеко!

Nov 25, 2008

из найденного....

и сохраненного у себя.
Просматривала вечером старые фотографии, когда-то засейвленные картинки, быстро-быстро (ибо страшно :))) ) просматривала некоторые старые хистори аськи. Так бывает. Когда ищещь чем себя занять, лишь бы побыстрее пролетело время, когда понимаешь, что ничем серьезным заниматься не сможешь все равно. Тогда просто заходишь в те закоулки файловой системы, о которых с трудом вспоминаешь и находишь что-то, что когда-то рассмешило, расстроило или же в общем случае принесло какие-то сильные эмоции. Так набредаешь на фотографии давно забытых людей, давно забытые (или, казалось, утерянные) виртуальные открытки... Оказывается много воспоминаний может принести обычный жесткий диск :-)
На самом деле не хотелось сейчас ностальгировать (нет, хотелось,конечно, но не буду :) ), вот, лучше поделюсь забавной картинкой, найденной когда-то в сети и сохраненной у меня под названием the_truth_of_life.jpg
Мило, не правда ли?

Music: Robin Beck -- "The very first time"
Mood: Скучаю я :(

Nov 21, 2008

[Fedora Core 9] still a little buggy :-)

Everyone, who ever spoke with me about linux, knows my loyalty to Fedora Core distribution line.
I do agree, that I'm some kind of guinea pig for distribution makers for testing different (usually not very stable) software.
I do agree, that sometimes I'm forced to be one of the first who has to learn new features, differences in configuration files and ways for the software and spend time with learning this. Truly speaking, I like this and actually having to deal with configs/options is that I like in Linux.
I do agree, that I have to test kernel, which sometimes brings surprises (later about this), but in the same time, new kernels give me ability to have new (which doesn't mean "better" :-P ) hardware and play with drivers. Please, do not tell me, that it's stupid time-spending, this is my choice and smth that gives me some pleasure, and actually sometimes it can help me in my work, where it's important for me to stay in touch with kernel/software news.
And of cause, I do agree, that for many features I have to pay with system resources :-) This the way how the software industry develops, and smth we can't change :)
Being agree with all the above, I have FC9 on almost all my computers, including the one I mainly using during work-hours, with the later I seen a few fun facts.
Fist of all (and the ones, that upsets me much), kde4 (included to FC9 by default) can't work with dual-monitor systems. kde4 simply doesnt start on the second monitor (X-server starts, kde4 -- not). KDE3.5 -- works, gnome, fxce from FC9 -- works, KDE4 -- not :) According to some info, found in google, this seems to be a known kde4 bug, so I can nothing to do, but wait for fixing and using xfce :)
Second and the most finniest -- kernel (the latest for today) oopses immediately after I plug my SonyEricsson w380i phone in and choose "phone mode" option to allow the phone to charge from USB :) FC9 kernel has new driver called cdc_wdm and it's probe functions fails with null-pointer difference which causes the crash :) Sometimes, I've to reboot this system, so I've added lots of printouts to the probe function cdc_wdm and already localized the crashing code, so the fix is coming very soon (till the next time I'll have to reboot my comp and a few more reboots to test ) :-)

Nov 5, 2008

Неужели и мы такими были...?

Ну видимо все-таки были, точнее не "все-таки",а были. К чему я, собственно... Выпало мне на днях счастье пообщаться с тех.поддержкой местного провайдера. Провайдер, мягко говоря ... хм... но менять пока не на что, но я не об этом.
Обслуживающий персонал, задача которого работать с людьми, надо _обучать_! И пока они не научаться на автоматизме (читай "быстро и четко") выполнять свои задачи, к этим самым людям не подпускать на пушечный выстрел!
Нет, я могу понять, когда компания находится в начале своего развития и когда в саппорте работают полтора человека, новичков тут же бросают на амбразуру и как хочешь, так и выкарабкивайся. Да, тогда лажа неизбежна. Но когда компания работает уже около 10-ка лет (х его з сколько точно, но что-то в этом роде), а девочки в саппорте не понимают и половины, что им говорит пользователь - это уже верх непрофессионализма. Ну не понимаешь ты о чем речь, запиши на листочек и проконсультируйся с кем-нибудь более продвинутым, это стандарный workflow, общепринятая процедура.
Я почему-то думала, что у нас уже прошли те "савковые" времена, когда удерживать клиента было не принято, считала, что сейчас все изменилось, что обслуживающий персонал стал деликатным, обходительным, что он (персонал) признает своей основной задачей как можно лучше и качественней обслужить клиента и чтобы он (на этот раз клиент) остался доволен и мог потом порекомендовать данную компанию своим друзьям, коллегам и etc. Ведь это правильно. Если работаешь ты с людьми - делай это _профессионально_. Не получается или устал - уходи.
Когда же наконец дойдет и до нас прогресс в этой области?

music: "Nashe" radio
mood: angry

Oct 4, 2008

Geeks jokes

I like some:

Q: Where are dead programmin' cowboys buried?
A: Reboot hill

Q: What do you call a dead software developer?
A: De-programmed

Q: What killed the programmer?
A: Hackin' and coffin'

Q: What kind of applications do dead programmers run?
A: Zombie processes

Q: What does a programmer zombie eat?


Ascii to ascii, Dos to Dos...


Hear about the woman who married three different Microsoft employees and still died a virgin?

Her first husband was in Training, and he kept teaching her how to do it herself.

The second one was in Sales, and he kept telling her how good it was going to be in the next release.

The third was in Tech Support, and he kept saying, "Don't worry, it'll be up any minute now..."


"Without using numbers represent the number 9."
"Without numbers?" the Cajun says. "Dat's easy," and proceeds to draw 3 trees.
"What's this?" the foreman asks.
"Well, tree and tree and tree make nine," says the Cajun.
"Fair enough," replies the foreman. "Here is your second question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99."
The Cajun stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture of the three trees and makes a smudge on each tree. "Ere you go."
The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you get that to represent 99?" ! ;
"Each of da trees is dirty now! So dirty tree and dirty tree and dirty tree. Dat is 99!"
"All right. Last question. Same rules again, but represent the number 100."
The Cajun stares into space again, then picks up the picture again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says, "Ere you go. One hundred!"
The foreman looks at the attempt. "How in the world does this represent a hundred?"
The Cajun leans forward and points to the marks at the tree bases, and says,
"A little dog come along and crap by each tree, so now you've got dirty tree and a turd and dirty tree and a turd and dirty tree and turd, and dat make one 'undred.


and the best one (imho)

Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. It's a hardware problem.

Oct 2, 2008

windows vista. stupid beauty.

Дано: Windows Vista
Требуется: Найти все файлы с определенным расширением (скажем .svn) и удалить их.

На деле: Виста удаляет директорию с файлом, потом доходит до удаления следующего файла в этой (уже удаленной !!!) директории и .... тут нашей красавице сносит крышу (ха-ха, удалять-то уже нечего) и она предлагает нам _создать_ эту самую директорию :)))

Sep 22, 2008

fun from youtube

Thanks to metawishmaster for the link :)

Sep 21, 2008

Acer Aspire One

Made myself a present yesterday - yet another one device running Linux.
Played a bit with it this morning. Actually if you look closer at Linpus OS installed on Acer Aspire One, you'll see that it's just rebuilt FC8 with a lot of patches. It's being fast (boots ~ 5 sec), easy to customize (unfortunately in order to be able to work normally on Aspire One you've to modify a rather large amount of config files to remove Acer's customization, that's clearly has been made to be the OS Windows-like, which is completely not our choise :) ).
Despite Acer Aspire One is a new, there're many articles and howtos on how to hack it, I'm not going to write a new one, just sharing my thoughts on this notebook.
As for howtos, I like this one most. The only thing I'd like to add currently is: after you change russian UTF locale to the english one (in /etc/syconfig/i18n), there is no way to switch keyboard layout to russian, modifying xorg.conf is useless (it's being rewritten on every system startup), GUI tools do not bring much success: it's possible to change switch layouts now, but:
a) with ctrl+space (I guess this is easy fixable)
b) russian layout is _not_ QWERTY ! (do not see a quick way to fix this).
To solve the described issue I had to look to init scripts and find the reason of overwriting xorg.conf. Found. Linpus has script in /usr/bin, which is changes xorg on every bootup (do not ask me why!), so I saved original for backup purposes and erased the script, modified xorg.conf and rebooted (there is no way just to restart X, I'll fix it on the next step :) ). Now I can type in russian as well as in English :)
a) Increase RAM size. Currently it has 512Mb, but it's possible to install one more module (one is not removable), so will buy and install 1GB module.
b) Change internal flash card to a real hard driver bigger size, think it should be possible.
c) will see....

Sep 18, 2008

My new device. Part2.

It was a quick game, but anyway, it was an interesting game.
I mean, today I've fixed HP server. It's funny, I'd to change just one line and it started to work more than 3 times faster :)
It's a kind of magic, when you have to spend hours to find the reason of a abnormal behavior, but fix takes just minutes :)
Such a nice feeling...
But... what makes me upset, now I have to return the device, but I liked it so much already:) Oh, If I could leave it :) I'd already have a good collection of a different hardware :) /* dreaming */ lol

Sep 16, 2008

My new device

I'm fond of computers, not really, I love them :-)
If you want to make me happy like a child, give me a new computer that runs Linux or that have problems with running Linux :)
Today looked like a usual work day without you (oh, if you ever know how much I miss you, how much I want to see you besides me), I was doing my regular tasks, until one of the managers brought me this:

this is HP Proliant DL360G5 - nice and noisy device which should bring me a lot of fun for the next few days :)

Jul 30, 2008

Be Linux

It's amazing....

Jun 17, 2008

Fedora 9 & kde 4

Just a bunch of bugs.

Not, really, it looks very nice. Black screen,many widgets, transparency working by default, default mouse control support... but... too slow on ICH5 with 2 GB of RAM machine, where FC3 worked like a charm.
First of all (proud smile), I made Fedora installer came to the endless loop while checking installation media. :)

Second, had to disable RAID to make the system bootable after installation, cause while enabled RAID (but not used at all! the system is on non-raid disk, attached even to a different controller!) init failed somewhere in libdevmapper. Disabling RAID device helped. Will try to enable RAID volumes a bit later.

Setting left handed mouse was a real challenge - first tried to find KDE control center (Yes! sometimes I use standard GUI utilities ;) ) - no luck, KDE control center does not exist anymore! Moreover, there no standard KDE menu, for me it reminds MAC interface with it's finder, which is very-very inconvenient for a KDE user. So, I had to come to usual xmodmap - no wonder, it works, made sh script with setting xmodmap and added it to kde autostart, and what do you think? Now KDE crashes at startup with signal 15 :) Removed the script - all is working again :)
Finally found analogue of ControlCenter, now it's called SystemSettings and reminds GNOME, finally was able to make my mouse left handed :)

Anyway... It's nice ... O-)

Apr 28, 2008


It's not senseless... One of the greatest impression I've got from reading.

I would not call it 'satanism', but just an ode of atheism, 'rules' and 'sins' are logical, nothing revolutionary, but worth to read and think one more time.

"1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him." (c) "The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth"

music: "moonsorrow"

mood: tired

Apr 25, 2008

About traditions... or just one day from Astarta's life...

...Or I'm good not only in Linux ;-) :-D lol
You know, I'm not religious, but once a year I make Easter cakes and color eggs. Cause my Grandma did this, my mama did (and does with me usually), now it's my turn. I like traditions in general, this makes us closer to each other when we do smth that our fore-parents used to do; also traditions is the only part of religion that could be somehow interesting for me, and Easter is, probably, the only Christian holiday when I go to church and do some staff. Of cause without any emotions, it's just funny to look to this religious masquerade in the same time from inside and outside. I even go inside the church, put candles near icons, but this atmosphere doesn't make me feel as a part of this community, I'm just doing a tradition and that's all, that's really beautiful. Russian Christian Church is beautiful as a special kind of art. I'll try to show you it a bit later - tomorrow, in case I will not forget to take a camera with me. Now my goal is to show you the preparation for the Easter, as we do it here in Russia, hope you'll get some fun from my story ;)
First and the most difficult part is making pastry (if lingvo is not wrong in the translation of this word from russan :-D). Let me skip all the culinary details - this could make you boring, which is completely not my aim:) . Just see. The process is started:

Meanwhile eggs are already done :)

Put the pastry to the warm place and could have 3-4 hours of rest.
/*time passed*/
Now it's time to put cakes to oven and wait for the results.
o! results:

Tomorrow will show you national russian flashmob of sanctifying cakes in church :)

mood: dreaming
music: still "Die Toten Hosen"

Apr 14, 2008

RIP. Berkeley.

~01.01.2005-14.04.2008. It was a long life.

Apr 2, 2008


Феминистка - это женщина, у которой голова превратилась в титьку. Хорошо подготовленная феминистка знает, что Берлин в 45-м взяли голые бабы с автоматами и в чулках, что у Гагарина были месячные, что у мужчин, в отличие от женщин, в груди не сердце, а субпродукт, что с*ать сидя гораздо человечнее и красивей, что пробирки круче, чем яйца, и что сам мужчина - это всего лишь обессисенная и о*уевшая женщина.(с)

Feb 1, 2008

world is full of magic:-)

00:1f.2 8086:27c3 8086:348f 01:04:00 ahci
should be INTEL? ;-)
now see:

2658adfe00 24 5f 49 44 45 24 da 33 31 01 08 40 00 00 00 00 |$_IDE$.31..@....|
2658adfe10 10 00 01 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
2658adfe20 00 40 9e 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 |.@..............|
2658adfe30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

really amazing! :-)))

Jan 16, 2008

[lol] the best question, I've ever got from developer

15:56:36 [----] XXXXX:
Хм, а ещё не подскажеш функция int f = open(dev, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); в каком h-нике определена?

15:57:18 [----] XXXX:
Т.е. Я определения не нашел, полагаю что это линуксовый хедер будет. Или нет?

Jan 3, 2008


If you ask me how I came to Linux World, I'll answer just with one word "Tux Racer". Really! Because of this game I installed first Linux distrib on my system, because of this game I left Windows (I just didn't know that there was a Win port :-D), and this is always the first game I install on a clean system:-)
I know all the roads, know where fishes hide, know where to brake and where to speed up:) just a fan:)
Today I found our that TuxRacer project is not dead! That a newer version exists with more fun and speed!
I'm almost happy! Compiled, run and playing!
Picture taken from the official site of the project:
Enjoy and have fun!

Jan 1, 2008

happy new year! :)

/* Photo was made a few days ago before NY by Svet-Lana */