Nov 21, 2008

[Fedora Core 9] still a little buggy :-)

Everyone, who ever spoke with me about linux, knows my loyalty to Fedora Core distribution line.
I do agree, that I'm some kind of guinea pig for distribution makers for testing different (usually not very stable) software.
I do agree, that sometimes I'm forced to be one of the first who has to learn new features, differences in configuration files and ways for the software and spend time with learning this. Truly speaking, I like this and actually having to deal with configs/options is that I like in Linux.
I do agree, that I have to test kernel, which sometimes brings surprises (later about this), but in the same time, new kernels give me ability to have new (which doesn't mean "better" :-P ) hardware and play with drivers. Please, do not tell me, that it's stupid time-spending, this is my choice and smth that gives me some pleasure, and actually sometimes it can help me in my work, where it's important for me to stay in touch with kernel/software news.
And of cause, I do agree, that for many features I have to pay with system resources :-) This the way how the software industry develops, and smth we can't change :)
Being agree with all the above, I have FC9 on almost all my computers, including the one I mainly using during work-hours, with the later I seen a few fun facts.
Fist of all (and the ones, that upsets me much), kde4 (included to FC9 by default) can't work with dual-monitor systems. kde4 simply doesnt start on the second monitor (X-server starts, kde4 -- not). KDE3.5 -- works, gnome, fxce from FC9 -- works, KDE4 -- not :) According to some info, found in google, this seems to be a known kde4 bug, so I can nothing to do, but wait for fixing and using xfce :)
Second and the most finniest -- kernel (the latest for today) oopses immediately after I plug my SonyEricsson w380i phone in and choose "phone mode" option to allow the phone to charge from USB :) FC9 kernel has new driver called cdc_wdm and it's probe functions fails with null-pointer difference which causes the crash :) Sometimes, I've to reboot this system, so I've added lots of printouts to the probe function cdc_wdm and already localized the crashing code, so the fix is coming very soon (till the next time I'll have to reboot my comp and a few more reboots to test ) :-)

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