Feb 28, 2009

Last day of winter 2009

Music often makes me feel something very special, I can even say that it creates my mood. This happens today, I had to leave to buy some food and took mp3 player with me with the last album of russian folk (rock ?) group called "Мельница" ("The mill" in English). Their melodic music, magic voice of their vocalist and probably this warm weather stopped me from going home and made me go behind the railway road to the forest, to be alone, to listen this music to feel everything near me -- mild wind, temperature that reminds coming spring, to see dying snow to remember something that gone away long ago.
Now I just want to share my feelings. my thounghts with you, allow you to see, what I saw, to know what I felt that moments.
I didnt have camera with me, just phone, which camera is not very good :)
These are the places where I used to walk with my dog, when she was alive (she's gone in 2002), this forest is the last home of all my pets who're waiting for me on the other side of Rainbow Brige. As for my dog.. She left long ago, but today I so wished her to be with me, I hardly stopped myself from calling her by name :) when I walking in this forest I feel like she's walking somewhere near me ... :)
I put into playlist only one song, but this song (I do not know why! There is nothing special in it's lyric, just mood) made me so unusually happy, that I was going between the fields with the feeling that noone exists in the world near me, just these paces and my memories :)
mood: happy :)
music: Мельница "Волкодав"

Feb 23, 2009

Games in Linux

Spent most part of today's evening playing game via local network. Despite the game was too fast and active for me (I'd actually prefer turn-based games, when if I beat someone, noone beats me in the same time :-D ) and my partner was much more experienced than me in this game and did'nt allow me to win (he-he, I'll surely will find the way to revenge him :), I get pleasure spending the time in a such way. I know, I'm among of these people who can spend hours and days playing computers games :( I know this, and I usually do not allow myself to be the addict of an computer game. Thanks for my using Linux as a desktop OS, there is not much tempt for this and not many really good Linux games exists.
Anyway, my top favourite are:
1. TuxRacer - tuxracer.sourceforge.net/
2. SuperTux - http://supertux.lethargik.org
3. SuperTuxKart - http://supertuxkart.sourceforge.net
/* oh, no more 'tuxes', Astarta, no more! */
4. RatSpears
5. Wesnoth - www.wesnoth.org
6. Heroes 3 (Linux port :-) or via wine). Actually, it's almost the only reason for having windoze on my system, to play in heroes, version 5 can't be run on Linux :(
7. The game I've been playing today: BattleTanks - http://btanks.sourceforge.net .

Feb 19, 2009

Stupid mistakes

Hello, my far friend :)
Do you remember, we talked of funny mistakes, like when adding firewall rules, we forget to add own IP, to be able to access the system, like running 'reboot' command in the wrong terminal window?
So today, I've made the funniest the most stupid mistake I've ever done :)
I was adding some functionality to our program, that besides other things should remove certain directories. The names of these directories were partly hardcoded into array (like /etc/, /usr/lib/ ...), the last part of the directory name should be added later in code (forming names like /etc/OurCompamyName,/usr/lib/OurCompanyName and like ). Very easy task. The code was written, the program compiled, checked -- everything is working as expected, no problem. Then, I've made small changes in the program logic, recompiled and run it once again. The program run and looked like it was finished ok. Then I mentioned that the system behaves in rather strange way - it doesnt accept new connections via ssh, some commands do not work and complain for libraries... Can you imagine my wonder, when I discovered that /etc/, /usr/lib and some other directories no longer exist! :)))
I've simply forgotten to add the lines of code that add the last and the most important part to the directory names, that should be recursively deleted, so instead of removing /etc/OutCompanyName, the software removed /etc/ ...
Tomorrow, I'll have to reinstall the OS ...
For my luck it was the test system :)

mood: lol
music: Manticora

Feb 16, 2009

[Fedora10] KDE4.2 is out!

Congrats to everyone using Fedora10 &KDE!
FC has updated KDE just today, now we can enjoy 4.2 version.
I even noticed that a few my bugs were fixed, licq can now dock normally, hurray! That was really annoying bug for me.
konqueror doesn't fail browsing samba anymore, even more annoying bug :-)

Get more info here.

RH you're the best :)

mood: happy :-)
music: The mill

Feb 12, 2009

Ходячие пассатижи

или просто Эриш.
Самый наглый, самый шубутной, самый ласковый, самый грызущий...
Просто самый-самый:)
Когда он появился у меня, я поняла -- Ландер вернулся. Именно так... _Они_ возвращаются, может немного другими, но с первого дня ведут себя как будто все окружающее пространство прекрасно знают, как будто тут уже были. Эриш первый крыс и единственный, кому позволено гулять по всей квартире, попрошайничать на кухне,переворачивать мусорное ведро, прыгать на колени, подлезать под руку, требуя ласки, - это зверь, для которого человек это все.
За это ему и позволено все, абсолютно все :)