I've lost 3 of my pets. Linux, Unix and Arioth. Rest in peace, boys, and wait for me near the Rainbow Bridge.
I'm about to change my life and start from the most beginning. To start learning how to trust and whether to trust, have no idea if it's correct way, want to believe that it is.
As for work... it was a good year. I realized my dream and got real friends here. Of cause there's a lot of things to improve, change and achieve, but... these're for the next year.
I've made various mistakes, some of them are funny, some are horrible. I'm alive, every of us makes mistakes and the only we can do with it - is not to repeat them again. One of mistake I'll never do, at least i'll always remember of it. Life is too fragile, I always knew it but recently I _realized_ it.
In the end of the year I'm feeling especially sensitive, romantic, love the whole world and see beauty where didn't see it before.
Happy new year to you and everyone:)